
More than a supplier, a strategic partner

Boasting 30 years of experience in detergency and effluent treatment, R&O Lab has two research and development centres located in Tournai and in Gembloux.

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Support from A to Z

R&O Lab offers a range of services from benchmarking to assistance and regulatory monitoring, through the formulation and improvement of existing processes or packaging. R&O Lab assists you in your projects from start to finish.

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Our achievements

Innovation is at the core of what we do. Our achievements apply the latest technologies to reduce our ecological footprint while also improving performance.

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Your vital partner in R&D
in the area of detergents and biological effluent treatment

R&O Lab is a Belgian company with a presence in various lines of business, such as detergents, all kinds of effluent treatments but also technical solutions for pipe maintenance.
It researches and develops innovative formulas, which involves the use of specific enzymes, microorganisms or more conventional equipment.

Boasting 30 years of experience, R&O Lab has two research and development centres located in Tournai and in Gembloux.

The work of R&O Lab has notably been acknowledged by the “Innovation Prize” in the field of biotechnology, as well as by the filing of numerous patents.
Moreover, many formulas developed by R&O Lab are used all over the world. We could also mention Brazil, Mexico, Norway, Russia and China, to name but a few.

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Témoignages clients [EN]

Rien de plus gratifiant qu'un client satisfait d'utiliser nos produits et concepts. [EN]

Jordan David - Chembo Bevil

Head of Sales, Chembo Bevil - Tournai

"Given that ready-to-use detergents contain up to 95% water and that around 250 million single-use packages end up in the bin every year, we wanted to find an eco-friendly concept that also met the growing concern of many consumers. The solution had to be efficient, practical, economical and, above all, environmentally friendly (carbon footprint reduced to a minimum). We entrusted R&O Lab with the project, who developed dilutable powder cleaners to be diluted in water, which allowed the consumer to reconstitute their own detergent. As for the choice of packaging, recyclable paper sachets containing the correct dosage of powder and reusable bottles were chosen. Available as multi-surface cleaners, descalers and degreasers, Epur powder sachets are Ecocert certified. In addition, our Epur concept was awarded the Gold Trophy at the Natexpo 2022 competition. All this would not have been possible without the valuable collaboration of R&O Lab.”

Anaëlle Kovacs - Baxter

Technicienne microbio chez Baxter

"I did my final year internship and my final year thesis at R&O lab. The team is extraordinary, everyone is involved in the work and there is a pleasant atmosphere throughout the offices, which makes it a very welcoming company. I was given the opportunity to integrate into the laboratory routine. On my side, I was able to contribute some of my knowledge thanks to the subject of my TFE, which was about a research of enzymatic quantification method on the different enzymes present in bioenzymatic cleaning products. I learned a lot during my time at R&O Lab and met some great people. "

JF Eloin & A. Pirson - LaverVert

Manager LaverVert - Namur (Belgium)

"When we were looking to manufacture our own household products using natural and local ingredients, it was essential to find a laboratory specialising in R&D. Our close collaboration with R&O Lab enabled us to validate and optimise all of our formulations. The added value of our collaboration was undeniably their expertise, experience and especially their support throughout the process. We have plenty of ideas to further our collaboration with them.”

Home Care Products Group Manager - Henkel

Laundry & Home Care - Henkel France

"Henkel France wanted to develop a household cleaner using raw ingredients, particularly black soap. Since Henkel’s stability regulations were very strict, we had to work with a laboratory experienced in R&D such as R&O Lab. It was a real team effort throughout every phase of development (formulation, packaging, performance testing, etc.). However, thanks to their professionalism, availability and hyper-responsiveness, our black soap household product passed Henkel’s tests.”