
A laboratory dedicated to the detergent industry. Every problem has a solution, you just have to find it...

R&O Lab, a laboratory boasting over 30 years of experience

Today, R&O Lab’s mission is to develop high-performance formulas for consumers and professionals, while reducing the environmental impact to a minimum.
R&O Lab keeps abreast of new materials available and ensures that they are integrated into its work as well as possible.

The environment... the great challenge of the future !

The environment... the great challenge of the future !

There is a real social awareness of the environmental factor. The efficiency factor remains essential, but the impact of “products” on the environment is becoming just as important. We take this into account when developing our new formulas.

What makes R&O Lab distinct ?

What makes R&O Lab distinct ?

Our laboratory is unique in its ability to provide tailor-made solutions. Our strength lies in our flexibility, agility, speed of execution and the quality of the services we provide.

Our team